あなたを想っている @ 2008年2月29日金曜日
ずっと繰り返してた ずっと悲しませてばかりだった "Because everything reminds me of you.." Dropped my contact @
Just before the test was starting.. My left eye felt itchy so like any normal person I rubbed my eye lah. Then.. *rub rub rub* SHIT! My contact fell out and dropped on the floor. I'm One-Eye-Blind! \o/ I didnt have my solution with me so couldnt put it back on.. Its dirty. Ew. So I did the whole test being blind on my left eye. Congratulate me for doing such an impossible thing! (ノ∀`)ノ I was giving a pretty big reaction when my contact dropped and Maziah thought I cedera or something.. She offered me a container filled with water to put my contact in, better than keeping it in the dry air. >.< And she hadiahkan a free water bottle to me! =D Other than that, we were talking as usual lah during the exam. And MayJet pointed out that the MC people were discussing the questions also. That was reassuring to see coz I seriously thought they were robotic geniuses. And then PhuiYan started talking about Wong Kah Wor?, whateverhisname, the politician who's face is plastered everywhere in Ipoh. Apparently PhuiYan and Debbie thinks he's cute. I was like.. "....??!?!" "HAH? *jaw drop*" Me and Zoe were 'HAH-ing' together. Coz he's SO not cute. His hair is like bombed. And somehow he looks old and young. At the same time. @__@ I also realized I laugh A LOT with MayJet around lol. あなたがいなくて淋しいです。 @ 2008年2月26日火曜日
"君が必要だ。 ![]() Felt like I somehow needed to update about something, anything. =\ Anyhoo, just got back from school~ And last year's school magazine arrived today! (・ω・)/ I kinda like the cover, it definitely looks different than previous covers although the graphic designers, myself included wasnt overall satisfied with it lah. I guess there were a lot of mistakes and typos.. But I dont think people would notice unless we point it out? For example.. An essay was written by Tan Sok Wai. But the magazine said Dawn Ong Sok Wai wrote the essay. And then and then, Kirthana's name became Keertana. Menswtkan. On a better note, the paper quality is much better. It looks much more pro now! =) And I feel really bad about someone.. Me, EeXin and Debbie designed the Edi Board page showing the members, and we left someone out! We totally forgot although we kept thinking whether we've left anyone out.. Haih, I guess because of that we felt really guilty and not that happy about getting the magazine.. We better find some way to apologize to her coz she was REALLY unhappy about it.. Ugh exams start this Thursday for me. Sejarah and Bio first, my sejarah isnt 'tim' yet. \o/ Although I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, honestly compared to you I feel like a pig. But I cant wait for exams to be over. Coz then I can lepak. And if I can lepak it means I can see you. =) Seriously you should just come to my school and study there lol. Post-LTC @ 2008年2月24日日曜日
Okay, I just got back from LTC~ Which means I made it out alive. (´∀`) やった!! I dont have the pics yet but when I get them, I'll post 'em up. Maybe. Perhaps. If I'm not lazy. ;D When we first boarded the bus at 6am on Saturday, we were all hyper energetic kids. And when we came back we were walking dead zombies. \o/ I had fun I guess, although I didnt eat lunch and dinner, then breakfast and lunch. The food there just isnt my kinda taste lar. The fish..everyone seemed to get either the head or tail. I dont even know how to eat the body properly so eating the head/tail would be a real challenge.. Also they served some kinda grey chicken in murky grey gravy. (o-O) Luckily I had my stash of buns! Or I would've fainted halfway through the obstacle race.. We did "jungle" trekking. Honestly we just walked through a kelapa sawit plantation. No leeches, so all my anti-leech socks, leech repellent and salt were wasted lol. Compared to LTC '06, this was just a walk in a park~ After that we did the flying fox, where we had to go across the river as you can see in the pictures below.. I was pretty freaked out lah, coz I'm super duper afraid of heights. But in the end it was pretty fun, I kesian Yip coz I screamed my head off in a super high frequency meaning super high pitch lol. We all got wet in the river. -__-" Next day we did some senamrobik thing. Whatever, then we had the obstacle race lah. I takut coz I though we have to wade through ponds. Ponds + Mud = PACAT! And the guy working there (who Momo thinks is CUTE) kept scaring us about pacat pacat pacat. So I asked him lah.. Me : Abang.. Boleh angkat saya tak? Saya takut pacat lah.. *shows cute face* But inside I felt like he was lying. Coz he was smiling too much. KaiTeng : Eh, kalau abang tipu kami. Nanti abang kena terjun dalam Sungai Perak! HAHA. In the end no pacat also. Wanted to stranggle that guy only.. OH YEAH. That place is infested with BEES!! KayLynn, Isabelle and Lavanyah got stung. OMG SO FREAKIN SCARY. The bees were flying around while we did senamrobik. So all of us were screaming and running here running there. Eesh. And all I could think about throughout the camp was. Ice. Cold. Coke. McD. Sundae. OMG. But I'm back home already and as I am typing this, I'm happily eating my McD Sundae~ ☆ 楽しく遊んできなさい。でも森の中で道に迷わないように。 @ 2008年2月22日金曜日
I'll be sitting in the bus with KaiTeng, Jamie and YeeSan yayyyy! ;D Oh I should bring some snacks also. OMG AND YOU KNOW WHAT. The teacher said we can only bring RM20 to the trip.. My dad was like, "HAR? My daughter already spends RM15 for Starbucks coffee, so the RM5 she'll just use to buy tissue paper." UGH. My dad is so sarcastic sometimes. Of course I made it clear to him that there isnt any Starbucks outlet there. Or it would be somewhat habitable. xD We'll seriously be toughing it out. Because apparently the showers there are out in the open. Meaning..I can see you and you can see me. w00t. (・∀・) HAHA, we'll be having Jungle Trekking which means PACAT! I'll be wearing some anti-pacat socks because I'm a princess like that. ~_~ And then there'll be the flying fox over the river.. I never liked heights so I think I'm really gonna freak when we do the flying fox. Oh oh, I'm going to Parade later to stock on supplies. LOL, I make it sound as if I'm going into the woods and never coming back.. (ーωー) Hopefully I'll come back in one piece on Monday... Some shots of the place~ ♪ ![]() ![]() 絶対彼氏 @ 2008年2月21日木曜日
I've been reading some manga lately. Prefer reading than watching coz you gotta use your brain more to analyze whats happening in the panels.. xD I finished reading Death Note, Dogs and Zettai Kareshi (which is my blog title) in about 3 weeks. =D Not bad actually. ![]() Zettai Kareshi (Absolute Boyfriend) isnt a manga I'd usually read, seeing how love themed it is. I prefer murder, guns & swords, blood and supernatural genres. xD But Zettai Kareshi really did keep me reading until the very last chapter. I know Ee Xin will say its a "shallow minded" story. I can be deep minded and shallow minded whenever I want okayy. xD The manga's about a girl, Riiko, who's utterly hopeless in love. She's been rejected like a gazillion times (ouch~) and decides to sign up online for a free trial of a "perfect robot boyfriend". The robot boyfriend, Night, is SUPER CUTE. I seriously wouldnt mind having him eventhough he's a robot. Sweet, intelligent, cute, funny, perverted in a good way, can cook amazing food and best of all he treats you like a princess! *melts* There are so many sweet moments, when Night stood up for Riiko, when eventhough the whole school was all over him, he couldnt see anyone but Riiko.. Okay, so maybe inside me there's a teensy weensy bit that is a hopeless romantic. x__x The manga is also FULL of humor, I seriously lol-ed a lot of times. It may seem a little cliched at times but somehow I really wouldnt mind rereading this. Its cute seeing Night trying to get Riiko in bed with him LOL. He never gives up. xD xD And its interesting seeing how the robot and the girl start to develop real feelings for each other.. Oh and did I mention Night has a FANCLUB is his school? That is so insane. Imagine, a fanclub worshipping me. *__* Plus there are some naked scenes. Because Night was actually designed for..ahem-ing. So I guess he's pretty specialized in that LOL. And he seems to like taking his clothes off randomly. xD I highly recommend the manga if you have some free time to kill. =) Night : I'll apologize when we get home by getting naked for you~ ;D Riiko : \O/ My one-stop spot for manga >>>>> OneManga o(≧∀≦)o バレンタインデーおめでとう @
audreyはブログして います か?! 真逆!! (o․O) " Okay, I decided to start blogging AGAIN although everyone knows it'll only be a matter of time before I abandon this place again. xD Anyhoo, came back from Victoria practice. I GOT '1' MARK FOR RUNNING! AND I DIDNT FALL DOWN! Damn, I'm proud of myself. =) See, I told you I'd contribute at least one point to my house. Unlike some people. ~_~ Hmm, I honestly dont know what to post. -__-" Uhh should I talk about Vday? My Vday was okay I guess. I went to Parade. =D Was only there for like an hour. But seeing you was worth it. Although you were tired. And moody. LOL. Did anyone get awesome Vday presents? But its not about the presents, but the person you were with. But I dont mind getting presents. If anyone wants to give me Vday gifts, its not too late! Because apparently today is Vday on the Chinese calendar or whatever according to the lame Zhi Hui who overwhelms me with her lameness. Is she sneezing now? Some pictures of my sweet Vday gifts. Awww. :3 Really like them a lot~ Dont be jealous LOL. Little blurry coz I took with my phone. x__x |
about me
![]() My site : japsuki My Last.fm : razori-sama My Friendster : x love miyavi x spam me
scrobble me
love me
amano Crystal DawnOng EeXin KaYee KarYen Ken-Ann Kiern MayJet PhuiYan YeeSan ZhiHui layout: detonatedlove picture: tstrayer76 brushes: SCC MJ scans: horizonroad remember me
forget me
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