絶対彼氏 @ 2008年2月21日木曜日
I've been reading some manga lately. Prefer reading than watching coz you gotta use your brain more to analyze whats happening in the panels.. xD I finished reading Death Note, Dogs and Zettai Kareshi (which is my blog title) in about 3 weeks. =D Not bad actually. ![]() Zettai Kareshi (Absolute Boyfriend) isnt a manga I'd usually read, seeing how love themed it is. I prefer murder, guns & swords, blood and supernatural genres. xD But Zettai Kareshi really did keep me reading until the very last chapter. I know Ee Xin will say its a "shallow minded" story. I can be deep minded and shallow minded whenever I want okayy. xD The manga's about a girl, Riiko, who's utterly hopeless in love. She's been rejected like a gazillion times (ouch~) and decides to sign up online for a free trial of a "perfect robot boyfriend". The robot boyfriend, Night, is SUPER CUTE. I seriously wouldnt mind having him eventhough he's a robot. Sweet, intelligent, cute, funny, perverted in a good way, can cook amazing food and best of all he treats you like a princess! *melts* There are so many sweet moments, when Night stood up for Riiko, when eventhough the whole school was all over him, he couldnt see anyone but Riiko.. Okay, so maybe inside me there's a teensy weensy bit that is a hopeless romantic. x__x The manga is also FULL of humor, I seriously lol-ed a lot of times. It may seem a little cliched at times but somehow I really wouldnt mind rereading this. Its cute seeing Night trying to get Riiko in bed with him LOL. He never gives up. xD xD And its interesting seeing how the robot and the girl start to develop real feelings for each other.. Oh and did I mention Night has a FANCLUB is his school? That is so insane. Imagine, a fanclub worshipping me. *__* Plus there are some naked scenes. Because Night was actually designed for..ahem-ing. So I guess he's pretty specialized in that LOL. And he seems to like taking his clothes off randomly. xD I highly recommend the manga if you have some free time to kill. =) Night : I'll apologize when we get home by getting naked for you~ ;D Riiko : \O/ My one-stop spot for manga >>>>> OneManga o(≧∀≦)o |
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