may jets randomness @ 2008年3月31日月曜日
1. What is your favourite food?
Chocolate, like DOH. Ice cream. Anything sweet. Lollipops! And and and pizza. ;D

2. Have you given your first kiss away?
Haha yeah. I'm so glad I did not regret to the person I gave it to. Coz that would suck.

3. If you were to be stranded on a desert island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you?
MAYJET! -- Because she'll be my entertainment on the island. =)
PINEAPPLE! -- Because I dont think I can do without you.
JAMIE! -- Because we'll never run out of topics.

And if I could..
DRUMMER BOY! -- OMG. Because he just rocks. o(≧∀≦)o

4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
This is too easy. JAPAN!

5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
One dream? To be rich and famous. LOL.

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Isnt that like.. a scientific fact lol?

7. What are you afraid to lose the most now?
Uhh, my life? I'm not done with my life yet..

8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
If the time is right~

9. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
An amazing pianist. *cough* =)
And and and, most definitely caring. ^-^

10. What's the one thing you like about yourself?
Everything. Because no one's perfect. But I'm ALMOST perfect. And did I mention perasan? v(`∀´v)

11. Which type of person do you hate the most?
I try not to hate people. Unless you seriously bug me. D:

12. What is your ambition?
Wow, we just had a motivational talk to day about your career paths. Mine was more inclined to design. =) But I'm pretty sure I want to be a neurologist. =)

13. If you have fault, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
I'd follow MJ and say both. If my mood quite good, I'd definitely work on that fault to improve myself. But if I'm bad mooding, wah you're gonna kena from me. xD

14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Love. I seriously think you'd go crazy with a life without love. o-O

15. Are you a shopaholic or not?
Kind of. But sometimes I cant find anything to buy so I just dont shop. But if I'm like surrounding in tons of awesome stuff, you better run away coz I'll start borrowing money from you LOL.

16. Find a word to describe the person who tagged you.
I thought I already described the person?? Anyway its MayJet. You all know MayJet right? So no need to describe. XD

17. What will you do when someone faints in front of you?
Uhh. Stare? I'm not good at handling all this. I'd probably back away from the scene. o-O

19. What makes you different?
I choose to be abnormal. Coz people will remember me better. =)

20. When is your birthday?
August 21.

People who I wanna tag:
Anyone who feels like doing this tag. Too lazy to list names coz they prolly already did it. =\

about me

Hey~lo. I'm razzy aka audrey. 16. Young and loving life. Japan Freak. Nice? Sweet? Music is LIFE. JRock is my music. Friendly when I feel like it. Miyavi Lover. Prominent sweet tooth. Peverted? Refuses to go out without her phone + iPod. Learning Japanese + drums. Interested in webdesign. Has a fetish for hair. Dislikes being emo. Dont talk to her if you're gonna discriminate. Oh, likes talking in third person mode. Hates fakes and plastic girls/boys. Potentially bitchy. Read her blog at your own risk. Not responsible for retardation or hurt feelings after reading.

My E-mail : twiztedbutcute[AT]
My site : japsuki
My : razori-sama
My Friendster : x love miyavi x
spam me

scrobble me

love me
4 Science 1 '07

layout: detonatedlove
picture: tstrayer76
brushes: SCC MJ
scans: horizonroad

remember me

may jets randomness

forget me

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