My Reason for Being @ 2008年3月7日金曜日
I guess my blog was in need of an update. =\ Well, I recently got a new room. Okay, not so recently. Like, a month back? My cousin moved out so I got to move in, woo! And my parents let me pick out most of the furniture. ;D And my mom just ADORES Ikea so most of my room items are from there. o-O Here are the pics! ☆ And onto JROCK related stuffles in my room.. |
about me
![]() My site : japsuki My : razori-sama My Friendster : x love miyavi x spam me
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amano Crystal DawnOng EeXin KaYee KarYen Ken-Ann Kiern MayJet PhuiYan YeeSan ZhiHui layout: detonatedlove picture: tstrayer76 brushes: SCC MJ scans: horizonroad remember me
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3月 2008 4月 2008 5月 2008 6月 2008 |