4:44 @ 2008年4月23日水曜日
I'm suffocating without you.. Sorry for my long absence. I was without internet for quite awhile. And surprisingly I realized I'm not too depended on the internet. I can DEFINITELY live without it. =D Anyhoo, my mom && dad bought me a new watch! =D I've been eyeing it for awhile now.. Ever since Science and Maths trip which was in.. March. Everytime I pass by the watch shop, I'll go.. "Isnt that watch really nice??" "Wah, that watch is so cool!" "This watch is very popular now.." (´∀`) Hoping my parents would get the hint lol. And they finally got me the watch! Got it from parade, its an ODM watch. ;D ![]() ![]() And for those who havent noticed.. I finally took off my braces! My dentist didnt even TELL me she was taking it out that day. Was totally shocked but happy. =DD God it was so effin scary when she took the metal bits out. Thought my teeth were gonna crack. (゜A゜)Gonna get my retainers laterrr~ (◡‿◡✿) And I know MayJet is totally jealous coz she's been wearing her braces for like.. 5 years. While I only wore for.. 1 and a half years. NYAHAHAH! On a random note, I realized that everyday when I check the clock in the evening.. The time is always 4:44pm. Or if I woke up in the middle of the night, the time will be 4:44am. Does anyone else have this problem? I dont really believe in bad omen and stuff but I just found it amusing. 8D Oh my aunt sent me this link.. Its pretty interesting. If you wanna feed hungry people, clicky! And no, you cant feed yourself Crystal. There isn't any medicine to make this love and solicitation effective. |
about me
![]() My site : japsuki My Last.fm : razori-sama My Friendster : x love miyavi x spam me
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amano Crystal DawnOng EeXin KaYee KarYen Ken-Ann Kiern MayJet PhuiYan YeeSan ZhiHui layout: detonatedlove picture: tstrayer76 brushes: SCC MJ scans: horizonroad remember me
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3月 2008 4月 2008 5月 2008 6月 2008 |