身を焦がす。 @ 2008年4月12日土曜日
![]() Courtesy of Stickgirl Cant help but smile when you call~ Thanks to EeXin for introducing Stickgirl to me! Her blog is totally interesting and fun to see. ^-^ Kenny Sia featured her too! Anyways, you finally reloaded so I'm in quite a good mood. I think I was really close to dying of boredom without you. (゜A゜) I remember when I went through months without talking to you coz your phone was messed up or something. We e-mailed like everyday LOL. Thinking of that made me happy too. (´∀`) Just cam back from GB Concert. GOOD JOB METOY! =) It was a little rocky at the start but I think more and more of us got into that hyped concert frenzy after warming up with a couple of songs. Me & Dawn & EeXin & Glenna thoroughly enjoyed ourselves jumping up and down lol. I even felt a little dizzy after jumping so much. @__@ Even KaYee, PhuiYan and Jamie joined us! Although they're not in GB. ^-^ &&& OMG. Jessica, seriously I think you have enough fans to start off your own official fan club. The juniors in fornt of us were practically melting/swooning/gonna faint/legs getting weak everytime you sang lol. Even Dawn was shocked. XD Glenna said Jessica could be a lead singer of a band or something. ;D Enjoyed the mime presentation too. I LOVED THE CGBC's Easter Mime Show thing (thanks MJ for inviting me) and the GB Concert one was good too. I think the message is pretty strong so hopefully everyone got the message la. =) Me & EeXin were indulging in a little Relient K after the concert lol. I so wanna own one of their albums.. Must stop by Gladsounds one day. ^^ I just love their song Failure to Excommunicate Jesus loves the out casts, He loves the ones the world just loves to hate. Let your faith shine right through. You know its the world versus Jesus & you. ![]() Ahem, you all know what to get me for my bday. =) Somebody from V3 the other day asked Jessica.. Girl : What do I do if someone in my class is a lesbian? Ahem. Jessica : Tell the teacher lah. Girl : Teacher dont believe... Jessica : Then cannot do anything. Haha. Somehow I found it funny. |
about me
![]() My site : japsuki My Last.fm : razori-sama My Friendster : x love miyavi x spam me
scrobble me
love me
amano Crystal DawnOng EeXin KaYee KarYen Ken-Ann Kiern MayJet PhuiYan YeeSan ZhiHui layout: detonatedlove picture: tstrayer76 brushes: SCC MJ scans: horizonroad remember me
forget me
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