i'm not crazy, i'm just a little unwell.. @ 2008年4月8日火曜日
icon courtesy of loveholic18 =) Haha, I really like that icon. Anyhoo, MAJOR NEWS!!! Jump back to last week.. There was an indian girl found lying on the road in secondary school pinafore.. And that very same girl fainted right after leaving the toilet this morning.. I heard that she has brain tumor and was admitted to the hospital. An ambulance came this morning to get her.. Gosh, all 5S1 rakyat craned out necks to check out the ambulance. And then the siren sounded which meant like it was pretty serious.. MayJet prayed for her. And I really hope she'll get better.. Although I duno her, she's still an MGS-ian. So lets all pray/hope/wish for her to get better. =) On the other hand.. I'm sure the 5S1 people know about my incident.. There I was happily doing my Bio experiment and dying my hands pink and red with the eosine solution or something. 10 minutes before school was over, I started having a pretty bad tummy ache. And I was suppose to stay back so I got up to ask Pn. Kalliamal to let me call my dad.. When I got up, I instantly started to black out. Seriously effin scary. I could barely see in front of me, all I could see was black. Being the awesome deskmate that she is, MayJet quickly aided me to sit down as I was starting to lose balance already.. I rested my head on the table and I could hear a lot of people talking to me. But somehow everything sounded so distant, I could barely hear what anyone said.. Whether I open or close my eyes, its the same. All black. If that was what it feels like to faint, I dont ever wanna effin faint in my life again. I was sweating like a COW lol, the table was getting wet and it was cold sweat. People started taking off my tie and unbuckling my pinafore. Pn. Kalliamal said it could be lack of glucose. But I really dont think so. I ADORE EVERYTHING GLUCOSE. Chocolate, candy, lollipop, cakes.. =\ And this is the first time such a thing has ever happened to me. So my dad came to pick me up. He was really worried, and kept saying I dont eat enough. My face is too small because lack of food, this is the balasan for being so choosy with food. But I've been a small eater all my life. And if I fainted due to lack of nutrients, shouldnt I have fainted a long time ago? Anyways, my dad told me about my school guard lol. Oh yeah, he drove into the school. I felt so special LOL. Here's basically what the guard told my dad.. Guard : Eh, drive slow slow ok? Dad : Okok. Inside my dad's head : CRAZY AH YOU! ANYTHING COULD BE HAPPENING TO MY DAUGHTER NOW. And you want me to drive slow, should be thankful I didnt bust the gate down. =\ Thats my dad for you lol. -___-"" I'm feeling much better now so no need to worry lah everyone. I wanna thank my amazing classmates also who took care of me during my Bio lab incident. First, Pn. Kalliamal, she made sure I was alright and waited until my dad came for me. MayJet, thanks for calling my dad and taking my books for me with Ka Yee. Jamie + YeeSan, thanks for your water and green tea sweet lol. And thanks for helping me wipe off my sweat. Yip, thanks for staying with me until my dad came. Dawn, thanks for texting me right after school and asking whether I was okay lol. Everyone else who came to my table, asking whether I was alright and asking me to take care.. Thanks everyone. =) I cant name everyone although I know there was a lot. Sorry lah, my vision that time can only see black, cant even hear people's voice clearly.. But really, I'm glad to have you guys as my classmates. =) |
about me
![]() My site : japsuki My Last.fm : razori-sama My Friendster : x love miyavi x spam me
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amano Crystal DawnOng EeXin KaYee KarYen Ken-Ann Kiern MayJet PhuiYan YeeSan ZhiHui layout: detonatedlove picture: tstrayer76 brushes: SCC MJ scans: horizonroad remember me
i'm not crazy, i'm just a little unwell..
forget me
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