ROFLMFAO @ 2008年5月20日火曜日
Kelas yang tadi bercempera tiada guru, kini menjadi senyap sunyi. Ini adalah kerana guru yang paling digeruni telah masuk ke dalam kelas. Wajahnya garang seperti Jin yang tidak ada Shamsudin. Kalau hendak tahu ikutilah pelajaran cikgu ini. Murid-murid: Selamat pagi, cikgu. Cikgu: (Menengking) Mengapa selamat pagi sahaja?Petang dan malam awak doakan saya tak selamat? Murid-murid: Selamat pagi,petang,senja, malam, tengah malam, subuh,cikguuuuuu! Cikgu: Panjang sangat! Tak pernah dibuat oleh orang! Kata selamat sejahtera! Senang dan penuh bermakna. Lagipun ucapan ini meliputi semua masa dan keadaan. Murid-murid: Selamat sejahtera cikgu! Cikgu: Sama-sama, duduk! Dengar sini baik-baik . Hari ini cikgu nak uji kamu semua tenteng perkataan berlawan. Bila cikgu sebutkan perkataannya, kamu semua mesti menjawab dengan cepat dan padu, lawan bagi perkataan-perkataan itu,faham? Murid-murid: Faham, cikgu! Cikgu: Saya tak mahu ada apa-apa gangguan. Murid-murid: (senyap) Cikgu: Pandai! Murid-murid: Bodoh! Cikgu: Tinggi! Murid-murid: Rendah! Cikgu: Jauh! Murid-murid: Dekat! Cikgu: Berjaya! Murid-murid: Usno! Cikgu: Salah! Murid-murid: Betul! Cikgu: Bodoh! Murid-murid: Pandai! Cikgu: Bukan! Murid-murid: Ya! Cikgu: Oh Tuhan! Murid-murid: Oh Hamba! Cikgu: Dengar ini! Murid-murid: Dengar itu! Cikgu: Diam! Murid-murid: Bising! Cikgu: Itu bukan pertanyaan, bodoh! Murid-murid: Ini ialah jawapan, pandai! Cikgu: Mati aku! Murid-murid: Hidup kami! Cikgu: Rotan baru tau! Murid-murid: Akar lama tak tau! Cikgu: Malas aku ajar kamu! Murid-murid: Rajin kami belajar cikgu! Cikgu: Kamu gila! Murid-murid: Kami siuman! Cikgu: Cukup! Cukup! Murid-murid: Kurang! Kurang! Cikgu: Sudah! Sudah! Murid-murid: Belum! Belum! Cikgu: Mengapa kamu semua bodoh sangat? Murid-murid: Sebab saya seorang pandai! Cikgu: Oh! Melawan! Murid-murid: Oh! Mengalah! Cikgu: Kurang ajar! Murid-murid: Cukup ajar! Cikgu: Habis aku! Murid-murid: Kekal kami! Cikgu: O.K. Pelajaran sudah habis! Murid-murid: K.O. Pelajaran belum bermula! Cikgu: Sudah, bodoh! Murid-murid: Belum, pandai! Cikgu: Berdiri! Murid-murid: Duduk! Cikgu: Saya kata USNO salah! Murid-murid: Kami dengar BERJAYA betul! Cikgu: Bangang kamu ni! Murid-murid: Cerdik kami tu! Cikgu: Rosak! Murid-murid: Baik! Cikgu: Kamu semua ditahan tengah hari ini! Murid-murid: Dilepaskan tengah malam itu! Cikgu: (Senyap dan mengambil buku-bukunya keluar.)Sebentar kemudian, loceng pun berdering. Murid-murid merasa lega kerana guru yang paling ditakuti oleh mereka telah keluar. Walau bagaimanapun, mereka merasa bangga kerana telah dapat menjawab kesemua soalan cikgu tadi, tetapi esok masih ada. Cikgu itu pasti akan datang utk mengajar perkara baru. Totally ROFLMFAO material. ;D いつも自分自身に誠実でいなさい。 @
I know a lot of you are worried about me after my last post. But seriously dont worry about me lol. I'm the psycho gf remember? And for a little fun Japanese word play.. 最高 // さいこう // pronounced as saikou, which sounds a lot like psycho actually means of highest authority or supremacy in Japanese. Isnt that interesting? I taught you guys something new haha. (´∀`) But seriously, everything's okay now and I'm as happy as a clam. I dont know why they use 'clam' but I think it sounds cute. ;D Things worked out, it always works out. =) And I know we wouldnt have gotten this far if we didnt really love each other. =) So. *hugs* ^^" I still have the PJ exam to take but who cares. =\ I was reading the textbook a little coz I'm just plain bored right now && I just totally totally love reading about health issues/dieting/etc. And I stumbled upon..... Before you say anything Crystal, remember that your mind isnt all that clean too kay? (ーωー) Anyhoo, they touched on homosexuality and bisexuals, listing it under "hubungan seks abnormal". Idk why but somehow I felt like laughing after reading it in my textbook. They didnt say much though. I've got Physics again tonight. And the oh-so-bad Jamie and KaYee arent going for tuition AGAIN. UGH. Three times already. I have a feeling Jamie is gonna text me AGAIN and tell me she's not going tonight and to have fun dating in tuition. -___-" You guys are so ebil. ='( Hopefully Joanna and etcs are going. D: Oh oh oh, I went to JJ the other day with Krishan. Shopping spree DOH. I ended up buying everything while Krishan hardly bought anything. T_T We went to MNG, like 3 times. Seriously I'm so glad MNG opened here. o(≧∀≦)o I definitely came home with lots of clothes == HAPPINESS! xD Dad : So Jusco can close down now la? Me : Huh? Dad : Since you already bought the whole of Jusco they might as well close down. =\ Me : Eheh. -____-" I'm too lazy to post pictures of what I bought. ![]() I just love the shirt. xD ![]() "Right to Heterosexuality. Left to Homosexuality. In between Stop sign for Bisexuality." His interpretation. intoxicated @ 2008年5月19日月曜日
You told me your credit ran out again.. You like, reloaded on Friday. Seriously wtf. Its like this every week.. And you dont know how much it hurts without you around. Pfft, I dont think you even bother to come to my blog anymore so I doubt you'd even know I'm pissed. Who are you texting anyway? I'm trying like, crazy hard to trust you. And you know trust doesnt come easily for me. But how can I keep trusting you if your credit keeps finishing so fast but you hardly text me, when you take half an hour to effin reply me. I honestly feel very fed up. But you know you're the one I love. Maybe you'll understand when I give you the same treatment. Maybe I should text others more and take longer to reply you and let you start wondering who am I spending all my time with. If you text me 20 times, he already texted me 100 times. I seriously spend more time with him. And I realize I'm starting to depend on him more. Coz you're never fuckin around. And he's always there. When I'm sad, or even when I'm happy about something, you're not there for me to tell you about it. I put you first, before anyone else, but it sometimes feels like I'm not one of your priorities anymore. I was really looking forward to after your exams coz I thought we could like spend more time together since I've been practically ignored coz you were studying and all. Which I understand coz studies come first. You told me you'd make it up to me after exams. Dont effin let it be another one of your empty promises. ... @ 2008年5月4日日曜日
"Sorry. I feel bad." Then why dont you do anything about it. And then you text me before you sleep. And I cant be mad at you anymore. I make myself sick. He doesnt fill in for you. 僕って君のために生きてるんだよ。 @ 2008年5月2日金曜日
Nothing I could ever do to make you see What you mean to me All the pain the tears I cried Still you never said goodbye and now I know how far you’d go I know I let you down but its not like that now This time I’ll never let you go I will be all that you want and get my self together Cause you keep me from falling apart All my life I’ll be with you forever To get you through the day and make every thing OK I thought that I had every thing I didn’t know what life could bring But now I see honestly You're the one thing I got right The only one I let inside Now I can breathe 'cause you're here with me And if I let you down I’ll turn it all around Cause I would never let you go Cause with out you I can’t sleep I’m not gonna ever ever let you leave You’re all I got You’re all I want And with out you I don’t know what I’ll do I could never ever live a day with out you Here with me, do you see your all I need I have this sudden obsession for pianists. Maksim in particular. Gosh he's amazing. And did I mention he's hot? o(≧∀≦)o The way his fingers fly across the piano is such a TURN ON. ❤❤ He's a musical genius. *__* I want someone to play the piano that beautifully to me. D: ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh, went to JJ yesterday. Bought some shoes with mom. ;D Nice? (。◕‿◕。) |
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amano Crystal DawnOng EeXin KaYee KarYen Ken-Ann Kiern MayJet PhuiYan YeeSan ZhiHui layout: detonatedlove picture: tstrayer76 brushes: SCC MJ scans: horizonroad remember me
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